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Dear Colleagues in Learning,
At long last, we have received our official letter from the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) regarding its action on continuing accreditation. The letter is attached for your review.
In short, there were no surprises, and the official report identifies issues that we had identified ourselves through the Self-study process. Our next comprehensive evaluation is scheduled for Spring Semester, 2024 with an interim five-year report scheduled for 2019. The Commission has also asked for a report in Spring Semester, 2017 indicating our progress on:

  1. Shared governance
  2. Assessing student learning outcomes
  3. Student advising systems
  4. Dual enrollment

Please read the letter for the specifics regarding these four items.
Much of the letter outlines the strengths of our institution and progress of which we can be very proud. This is an affirming process that validates the outstanding manner in which we fulfill our mission as well as our important responsibilities in this region.
Nevertheless, as expected, we have work to do. This spring, the College community will launch productive conversations to start developing plans to address these important issues. I look forward to these conversations and actions.
Thank you to all who contributed to this process. Thank you, as well, to all of you who will contribute to making us better during the next ten years. This multi-layered NEASC accreditation process provides a vivid demonstration of the outstanding quality of our great institution. Congratulations to our BCC Family.
President's signature for online forms and letters


To read the 2014 NEASC Report, please submit a Public Records Request.